Tuesday 10 July 2012

So far what has happened in my book I am reading…

Ally had a busy day hanging out with her friend with a spell book called “the little book of lovey-dovey spells” and burying Tor’s goldfish. She has a crush on Linn’s mate Alfie and she had till midnight to do a spell for her chance to charm Alfie by the next day, but she was too late???

I know when I like a book because I will get in to it (not literally) but with this book I am not. I think it is too young for me, before I started reading this book I was in the middle of Twilight so I think I will stick to that!!!  

Wednesday 4 July 2012

This is the cover of the book i am reading at the moment...

Mates, Mysteries and Pretty Weird Weirdness ?!?!?

The book that i am reading at the moment is called Mates, Mysteries and Pretty Weird Weirdness. So far it is a good book, but not quite my type, but we will see how it goes further on in the book???

The book is by Karen McCombie and the target audience that she is looking for in this book is for teenagers but mostly girl teenagers. I guess this because the front cover colours are a range of girly colours like pink, purple ECT. The font on the front covers is bright and bold and colourful. The layout is laid out well because there's a big bold title at the top, then a picture in the middle of the page, the front cover is very busy what shows you that it is going to be a very busy book. The picture is a good size and a range of colours that relate to girls. The picture looks although it has been drawn and  relates to the book for far (lots of girls).

Ally is the main character in the story so far, the other characters are Ally’s friends:
  • ·         Kellie
  • ·         Salma
  • ·         Jen
  • ·         Chloe

Ally’s family:
  • ·         Tor
  • ·         Linn
  • ·         Dad
  • ·         Grandma
  • ·         Stanley- grandmas boyfriend also tor goldfish called Stanley

And I am hoping there will be other grate characters and more weirdness during the rest of the book…